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Showing posts from 2017
10 Tips to Help You Get Out of LOWER ELOS        As of this very moment, just over 30% of North American League of Legends players are ranked in Bronze. This figure goes up to somewhere between 60% and 70% when accounting for all the inactive players out there. These stats vary a bit, but the basic picture is the same: the Bronze community is  huge! Unfortunately, there isn’t a “magic solution” to getting out of Bronze. Because Bronze is the lowest tier, there will inevitably be great discrepancies between the skill levels of Bronze players. At this level of play, communication and teamwork skills are usually… lacking …at best. Thankfully, there are a number of simple things you can do to drastically increase your odds of winning. 1. Don't Make Excuses People will screw up. They just will. But we’re no exception to this rule. Instead of blaming our deaths, losing lane, lost minion farm, and every other bad thing on “noob teammates," take some owner

Having a bad game?

Having A Bad Game? Here's What You Can Do In League of Legends, there are various skillsets that can and will influence your winrate and ability to climb the rank ladder. You can climb the ladder by being a mechanically skilled player, by having great knowledge in the game, or by being a leader and micromanaging your team to victory with the right calls. However, sometimes there are some things are just aren't in your control. Even if you possess all of the above skills, you can run into a bad game. For some reason, you just can't seem to perform. You're not getting the picks, you're making all the wrong calls, you just  can't seem to do anything . Everyone will get a game like this every now and then. This is when another essential skill for dealing with bad games comes into play -- Controlling your emotions and knowing how to get carried. We've all had these games where everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. You all-in your opponent and

Let's learn farming

Why Should I Learn to CS? Let's say by the end of a 30 minute game, I have 150 CS. This may sound like a good score to you. Unfortunately, it isn't. Let's look at some minion math to see why. Minion waves spawn every 30 seconds. Each wave consists of 3 melee minions and 3 caster minions. Every 3rd wave contains 1 additional cannon minion. This means every 3 waves contains 19 minions (9 melee, 9 caster, and 1 cannon). Minions spawn at 1:30, and reach lane at 2:00. Subtract 4 waves for the first 2 minutes before minions arrive to lane. This means that at 30:00, 56 minion waves will have reached your lane. 56 waves (19 minions/3 waves)=~355 minions. 150 CS / 355 CS x 100% = * 42%**. How much gold does this add up to in game? If we assume the average minion is worth roughly 20 gold, the maximum I could earn from minions by 30:00 is 7,100 gold. Instead, I earned 3,000 gold. This is a difference of 4,100 gold,  which equates to 14 full value kills . This means that a 5/