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Showing posts from March, 2018


KAI’SA DAUGHTER OF THE VOID To survive among predators, Kai’Sa became one. Stranded for years with no hope of rescue, Kai’Sa endured through sheer will and a symbiotic second skin adapted from a living Void creature. Now the Daughter of the Void emerges an apex hunter torn between two worlds: the one that birthed her, and the one that made her. ABILITIES P SECOND SKIN Caustic Wounds: Kai’Sa’s basic attacks mark enemies with Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. After a few successive attacks, the Plasma ruptures for a burst of damage based on the target’s missing health. Nearby allies’ immobilizing effects add stacks of Plasma. Living Weapon: Kai’Sa’s symbiote-suit adapts to her chosen attack style, evolving her abilities based on permanent stats gained from shop items and experience level. Q ICATHIAN RAIN Kai’Sa releases a swarm of missiles evenly distributed among nearby enemies, with additional hits on the same target dealing sligh

8.5 Patch league of legends

8.5 Patch  Mid-Patch Updates 3/8 Support Item Update Bandit passive removed. Targon's passive gold increased. Frostfang's Tribute gold increased. Nomad's Medallion gold coin reward increased. We're still seeing non-supports use gold items to ramp up their gold generation, and the key culprit here is the Bandit passive. We're removing it and adding more gold into the existing sources within each item line. NOTE: we'd considered holding this change for 8.6, but data from the start of 8.5 shows that it's still quite necessary, so we're putting it in now. All Support Items REMOVED BANDIT No longer grants gold when nearby enemy minions are killed by allies or when attacking enemy champions Targon's Brace and Remnant of the Aspect PASSIVE GOLD GENERATION 2 gold per 10 seconds   ⇒   4 gold per 10 seconds Spellthief's Edge, Frostfang, and Eye of the Watchers UPDATED LOCKOUT The penalty for killing a minion or non-epic monster