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To survive among predators, Kai’Sa became one. Stranded for years with no hope of rescue, Kai’Sa endured through sheer will and a symbiotic second skin adapted from a living Void creature. Now the Daughter of the Void emerges an apex hunter torn between two worlds: the one that birthed her, and the one that made her.



Caustic Wounds:
Kai’Sa’s basic attacks mark enemies with Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. After a few successive attacks, the Plasma ruptures for a burst of damage based on the target’s missing health.
Nearby allies’ immobilizing effects add stacks of Plasma.

Living Weapon:
Kai’Sa’s symbiote-suit adapts to her chosen attack style, evolving her abilities based on permanent stats gained from shop items and experience level.


Kai’Sa releases a swarm of missiles evenly distributed among nearby enemies, with additional hits on the same target dealing slightly reduced damage.

Living Weapon:
With enough bonus Attack Damage, Icathian Rain fires significantly more missiles.


Kai’Sa fires off a beam of Void energy, revealing the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage, and applying stacks of Plasma.

Living Weapon:
With enough bonus Ability Power, Void Seeker deals more damage and partially refunds the cooldown on champion hit.


Kai’Sa charges up, briefly increasing her movement speed but losing the ability to attack. After charging up, Kai’Sa whips out the big guns to increase her attack speed for a few seconds.
Basic attacks reduce Supercharger’s cooldown.

Living Weapon:
With enough bonus Attack Speed, Supercharger briefly grants true invisibility while charging up.


Kai’Sa dashes at extremely high speed with long range to a location near an enemy champion marked with Plasma and briefly gains a damage-absorbing shield.


As Kai’Sa, you’re a threat that’s never far, hunting down would-be killers and diving into danger to emerge the sole survivor. Track and tag isolated enemies with Void Seeker, then follow up with your ultimate and a merciless Icathian Rain for a quick kill. On the off-chance they survive the initial onslaught, a Supercharger will keep you in range for a rapid-fire takedown.

In teamfights, strike at blinding speed with your Killer Instinct, positioning Kai’Sa at the optimal angle to avoid pesky crowd control and shot-blocking frontlines. That carry in the back no one can get to? Kai’Sa can—but you’d better be ready to fight your way out once you’re in deep.

“Danger is real. Fear is an illusion.”
- Kai’Sa


Watch for enemies wandering without backup, but also keep an eye out for allies already in combat—if they can immobilize and mark an enemy with Plasma, Killer Instinct is a free ticket to a fast kill.

Living Weapon turns key item purchases into serious power spikes, so don’t hesitate to pick fights. Kai’Sa’s adaptations work best when you recall and roam—you evolved that vicious new Void enhancement to farm champions, not minions.

While Icathian Rain can annihilate an enemy isolated enough to take full damage from the missile salvo, Kai’Sa’s at her most murderous when she’s making good use of her autos. Her passive means each one hits extra hard, and a constant assault will drastically reduce the cooldown on Supercharger so you can keep repositioning.
  • “Life and death are separated by the smallest stumble.”
  •                                                                          -Kai’Sa
    - Kai’Sa


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